IMG_1252comp_01_LR_12An abbreviated post today. Between the holiday and deadlines it’s been difficult to get some new shooting into the schedule. Daily rain has hampered the search for the next great fossil find. So I’ll start with a goodbye to the cicadas – at least I think they’re almost gone.

Fortunately, they barely made an appearance of any sort here at my studio. My friends a mile down the road, on the other hand, have been living through some kind of SciFi Hell! Can’t stand outside talking kind of noise. A quick run down there with fossil and drawer and a cast of millions standing by got me this image.


One final reminder about our opening on Friday (July 5):



Opening Reception – Friday, July 5, 2013

6 – 9 PM

 Saugerties Performing Arts Factory (SPAF)

169 Ulster Avenue, Saugerties, NY

 Through July 26


_MG_2290_01_LR_10Speaking of SciFi Hell, Cindy and I drove down to the Meadowlands in New Jersey last Saturday. My son Shaun was in town to perform at the New Jersey State Fair. It’s always a treat to see him perform, regardless of venue.

_MG_2345_01_LR_10While he was busy I had time to check out the Fair itself. I’ve been to many state and county fairs across the country and never before had I seen one without animals! I heard that they were having pig races somewhere but nowhere did I find the 4H world in attendance.

_MG_2349_01_LR_10Plenty of fake boardwalk freak show attractions, from The World’s Smallest Woman

IMG_1271_01_LR_10…to Zambora the Gorilla Girl

_MG_2300_01_LR_10…to Frog Girl. Do you see a pattern here? Did we run out of male freaks? Bad taste often accompanies sexism and it seemed that both were in abundance at this Fair.

_MG_2323_01_LR_10Fortunately, I was able to fish something sweet out of the event – a little girl captivated by bubbles on a late Summer afternoon.

_MG_2639_01_LR_10Here was the entire reason for the trip – Shaun Balin on fiddle with American Idol star Lauren Alaina. Fiddle, mandolin, guitar, and backup vocals – hardest working musician I know! It’s always a pleasure to hear you play, Shaun!

Thank you as always for visiting this site. More images at www.artmurphy.com

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